Sarginsons is the only aluminium foundry in the world that combines Metal Solidification, Digital Twin Simulation, and Topological Optimisation, to generate lighter, stronger, and low carbon castings. It is also the leading foundry at improving TYE mechanical performance in geometrically complex, larger structural components, whilst ensuring process and product consistency.
Sarginsons has been working with multi-national OEMs, and other foundries, from California to China, guided by leading Universities and aided by funding from Innovate. All with one aim; to use casting technology to exploit the enormous potential of liquid metal engineering. Sarginsons makes Intelligent Aluminium castings. It's that simple.
In being able to accurately simulate and predict TYE mechanical strength, at any point across a components form, Sarginsons can really exploit the extraordinary ability of topological optimisation to shed mass or to enhance mechanical performance.
Increasing TYE mechanical performance, even in sand cast prototypes, is a Sarginsons speciality. A whole range of novel technologies covering every aspect of the casting process can be deployed.
Casting has massive potential for cost reductions. It starts with great component design but there's a multitude of other avenues of attack. One thing is certain though, the best place to drive it, is the Sarginsons foundry.
Industrialising castings, whose prototypes are made using different processes, is challenging. Sarginsons makes the process easier by being able to cast prototypes with the same mechanical characteristics as production components. A real advantage.
Sarginsons remedies problems in existing castings, by using its unique digital twin technology to virtually test multiple design iterations without affecting production.
It is simply not possible to design a casting with optimum cost or performance characteristics, without Sarginsons unique Digital Twin Simulation, Topological Optimisation or Design for Manufacture services. So why not use it?
To address the issue of supply chain resilience, Sarginsons has developed a virtual solution that enables emergency, short run casting, without the administrative burden and costs of dual sourcing.
Merging components into a one-piece casting is common sense. Sarginsons unique ability to simulate mechanical performance allows it to lightweight larger castings, without any overengineering.
In only using hydroelectric aluminium, Sarginsons is a low carbon foundry, but it's ability to refine the grain structure of recycled aluminium using rare earths will make it the lowest carbon foundry in the world.
Casting entire sections of cars in one piece makes sound economic sense. With the development of several casting technologies, many pioneered by Sarginsons, they can also be lighter greener and cheaper.
Sarginsons five years of research into casting aerospace components has produced the technology, such as digital twin simulations, that can produce stronger, greener, and cheaper components through traditional casting techniques.
Prototypes are not production representative as different manufacturing processes result in differing mechanical performance. Sarginsons can manipulate mechanical performance, particularly in sand castings, to create prototypes that exactly mimic production parts. A huge advantage.
Casting TYE mechanically compliant prototypes from CAD, in under 24 hours is feasible, as 3D printed moulds and cores alongside digital twin simulations and Smart Cooling can bypass bottlenecks, whilst ensuring full mechanical integrity.
By combining topological optimisation, enhanced solidification and digital twin simulations to the iterative design process we add intelligence, by focusing the design effort, ensuring the advantages of rapid iteration are available to the casting world.
The Foundry 2030 research project proved conclusively that traditional casting methods, when using accurate digital twin simulations and enhanced alloys, can deliver the reliability, durability and economies that the next generation of aerospace projects demands.
Too often creativity is compromised by engineering realities. Never more so than in the fickle world of aluminium casting. Occasionally this dynamic changes. And a whole new world of possibilities erupts into reality. That time is now. That opportunity is yours.
Sarginsons technology is world leading. Its amazingly accurate digital twin simulations and its technical cousin, topological optimisation, mesh perfectly with a range of production technologies and near zero carbon alloys, to create a whole new world of opportunities.
Sarginsons is a low porosity, aluminium foundry covering low pressure, sand and gravity casting techniques that has forged new frontiers in lightweight, complex and geometrically challenging castings.
Sarginsons uses its extraordinary technology to drive better casting solutions for clients.