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Articles & Research • Preparing for the Future

Driving To a Better Future: To AV or Got To EV

19th April 2024
Written by Ashley Stafford
Technology • Our Thoughts

Which Way to Go?

As part of Sarginsons focus on technology it is critical that we try and understand the future of vehicles as a solution to people's transport needs. There are a huge number of factors that come in to play, particularly in Europe, where lizards and archaeology can frequently cost as much as the new road itself. 

Back in 2022 we published a treatise on how we thought things would go, which meant firmly putting our money on AV, which was swiftly followed by a contract to design and manufacture the chassis for Amazon's true autonomous car, Zoox. That work is now complete and they're moving into full production.

Drive or be Driven Down The Road

And with the pressure from Electric Vehicles being amplified by populist governments the strongest manufacturers are contemplating possible Extinction Level Events. The Chinese have come, with lots of toys and low prices, but is this an AV trap that will close before costs can be recouped. And who is waiting in the wings with an unplayed hand?

We feel that our 2022 presentation still presents an alternative way forward for these manufacturers. One which relies more on smaller companies like Sarginsons than would traditionally be the case. 

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