F1 Car Casting
Challenges • Perfecting Prototypes

Perfect Prototypes

Most prototype castings have different mechanical characteristics because they are made using a different process, which is not ideal. This complicates the design process, because industrialisation of cast parts has to be done without certainty as to final component performance. This forces compromises in design, as playing safe is essential in ensuring there are no additional development costs or delays. 

Sarginsons takes a different approach. It's Digital Simulation accurately predicts localised TYE performance, whilst its intelligent tooling manipulates mechanical performance, particularly in sand castings, perfectly replicating predicted production component performance. Allowing design boundaries to be pushed and lightweighting opportunities maximised as off tool testing is predictable.

Perfect prototypes enable better, quicker product development.

Prototyping has Moved On

Sarginsons can now cast prototype castings with the same mechanical characteristics as production parts, despite being made using a different process. This is a huge step forward in casting technology. And one which will lead to a dramatic reduction in the costs and stress of new product launches, whilst empowering more challenging component design. 

Other Factors at Work

Creating digital twin simulations of the casting is a vital first step but, just as importantly, is the work Sarginsons has done in areas such as Smart Cooling, Intelligent Tooling, metallurgy, grain refinement and low pressure sand casting. These new techniques give Sarginsons an unrivalled ability to cast prototypes which exactly replicate the production part - which is what a prototype should be.

Not Just Prototypes

Being able to create a perfect sand cast prototype opens the door to  short run component casting, without the need for expensive tooling. In an age of product customisation the ability to produce performance components economically offers endless potential. And one which will increase as 3D sand cores and moulds open the door to Freeform Casting. 


Key Points

  • Same TYE as Production Parts
  • Youngs Modulus Simulations Available
  • Component Industrialisation Simpler
  • More Reliable NPI Timelines
  • Emergency Supply Chain Possibilities
  • Allows True Iterative Design

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Perfect Prototypes is an Oxymoron

Prototypes can never be perfect replicas of production components, as production processes are different, dictating the need for off-tool, off process testing. Sarginsons cast prototypes, however, do exhibit the same mechanical characteristics, which is the critical issue.


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