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Challenges • The Right Design

Digital Twins Supercharge Design

Designing castings is different from any other process. The huge number of variables that affect a casting's performance, and the inability to accurately simulate mechanical characteristics, mean castings are usually poorly designed relative to their mechanical performance. 

Sarginsons has totally changed this dynamic with its Digital Twin Simulations technology; the first time globally that the TYE, stress and fatigue performance of casting can be accurately calculated at any point on a component. 

This single step has opened the door to massive lightweighting opportunities, particularly through Topological Optimisation, enhanced design possibilities and the potential, finally, to make casting prototypes that precisely mimic the TYE performance of production castings. 

Uncertainty Hinders Creativity

An inability to simulate mechanical performance, and the high cost of physical testing, forces a conservative design approach to cast components, compromising performance, particularly in minimising mass. Sarginsons digital simulations, combined with its technical excellence, mitigates these concerns, allowing creativity to flourish and huge economies to be realised.

A Casting Design Service

To optimise component performance it is best to engage with Sarginsons as early in the design process as possible. The ability to simulate mechanical characteristics, at any point across a casting, is a game changer, made even more potent by a DfM service that integrates every aspect of a casting's manufacture.

Designing out Cost

Sarginsons has achieved a minimum 30% reduction in mass on every casting it has studied, but that is just the start of a huge range of economies and a unique service dedicated to cost reduction with improved performance. And technology is the secret behind every step.

Key Points

  • Topological Optimisation is Lightweighting
  • Less Risk Encourages Better Design
  • Simulations are a Designers Best Friend
  • Design for Manufacture is Cost Reduction
  • Iterative Design Through Simulations is Possible

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Good Design, Good Business

Getting the design right means making every subsequent step, process or treatment easier and cheaper. Getting casting design right, with all its inherent variabilities, dictates the need for a deep understanding of casting. It dictates the need for a foundry who understands design.


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